Monday, August 22, 2011


I haven't blogged in a while, and my last post was a bit dis-heartening, so here goes another post :)

Last night, I was waiting to be picked up after work. While I was waiting, a woman came to wait for a taxi. She was asking everyone around if she was in the right place to meet a taxi, and even though nobody had an exact answer for her, she decided to wait there for the taxi. After just a few minutes of waiting, she decided to just get up and walk through the rain without an umbrella to get to her destination, instead of waiting for a taxi. Five minutes after she left, a taxi came right where she HAD been waiting. This experience that I witnessed got me thinking. How many times is this us? How many times are we waiting for something from God, or waiting for something that we want or need, and we become impatient, and decide to take our own way? How many times do we go out into the rain without an umbrella, instead of waiting for God to bring a "taxi" to us to get us to our destination?
I feel that this is how I act sometimes. I am so impatient, and I want God to reveal His plans right now, instead of enjoying the journey. Sometimes I think too much about other people, and their opinions. However, I thank God for the people in my life that offer advice and wisdom. But, I just think that I tend to sometimes go out into the rain without an umbrella, instead of waiting patiently for God, and for Him to guide and lead me. I know that I am waiting for God to reveal many things to me right now, but I am learning to love the moments of uncertainty, the moments that I am "waiting for a taxi". I challenge you to do the same.